徵求 品牌服裝設計師(科斯達實業股份有限公司)

徵求 品牌服裝設計師

8.擅Windows作業系統基本操作及Microsoft Office 等文書處理軟體及美編修圖軟體Illustrator、Photoshop、Corel Draw繪圖軟體及文書處理能力


2.經驗: 2年以上相關經驗


上班地點 : 台南市

品牌: www.lebrode.com  科斯達實業股份有限公司

連絡人 : 連怡甄



Le Brodé 品牌緣起


層層刺繡炫目,工廠中機台聲隆隆,一批批的布料即將從台灣台南運往世界各地;花邊設計師專注於手繪稿中,為講究設計細節的刺繡蕾絲尋找最完美的佈局。在快時尚浪潮的衝襲下,唯獨刺繡產業必須朝著更獨特細緻的方向前進,為守護刺繡工藝的價值堅持著。Le Brodé 樂柏得服飾品牌即在這樣的氛圍下誕生,在台灣刺繡古都府城,匯集設計、生產領域的翹楚在古都濃厚人文氣息中萌芽茁壯。

Brodé源自於法文「刺繡」的意思,也是品牌設計的核心元素;在東西方文化中,刺繡蕾絲運用在服飾上一直是細緻工藝與時尚奢華的象徵,取Le Brodé為名的同時也代表著刺繡工藝與流行時尚的結合。經過幾個世紀的傳承,猶如藝術品的刺繡蕾絲將藉由Le Brodé服飾品牌的創立展現其優雅時尚的流行態度。

Le Brodé 設計理念:生活即設計

Le Brodé相信美麗的事物本就存在於生活中,雅緻的服裝品味更應融入日常穿搭,故品牌設計靈感取材於自然界中的萬物美景,四季更迭、花朵的優雅姿態、建築的完美結構與文化的好奇探索都能激發創作靈感,持著「時尚並非一昧複製,美麗也不該只有一個面貌」 的精神,融入多元風格以滿足美麗的多種面貌!

Le Brodé樂於看見女性藉由穿著而獲得生活中的愉悅、美感的知覺、以及對時尚不同的見解。「美麗」這名詞將會在Le Brodé 找到最完美的詮釋。


Le Brodé 品牌特色

「經典設計並非遙不可及」,Le Brodé將創作的熱情與半高級訂製服的設計概念注入每件作品,全系列服飾採用歐洲高級布料搭配細緻刺繡蕾絲工藝,靈活運用手工縫珠、印花等細緻加工,歷經嚴謹費時的打版、打樣,完美結合東西方流行元素與台灣生產製造的技術,成就完美經典設計;在講究細節的同時更在乎穿著的舒適度,將性感與優雅拿捏恰到好處,豐富多元設計,簡約大方剪裁,勾勒出女性柔美身段。讓我們來裝扮妳,因為女人就該如此美麗!



The origin

Le Brodé is a Taiwanese brand dedicated to exquisite fabric, delicate embroidered laces and fine fashion. We base in Tainan, a historical city with various forms of traditional Taiwanese art.

Le Brodé in French means Embroidery. This is a form of decorating fabric that exhibits both the finest craftsmanship and elegant fashion for centuries. The texture of embroidered lace is always in connection with luxury fashion in both Eastern and Western cultures. The name of the brand Le Brodé expresses the essence of our design: the combination of both classical art & craft and modern fashion. Our design features French chic, together with sophisticated details and sleek silhouette, and we bring our costumers graceful style and tasteful outfits.

Design Philosophy: Life means design

In Le Brodé we believe that beauty is around us every day, and the sense of elegance is always within reach. The inspiration comes from the beauty of nature and humanity: the change of seasons, the posture of plants, architectural structures, cultural adventure and curiosity. In Le Brodé we also believe that fashion is not merely a trendy reproduction nor single-sided beauty, but a reflection of cultures and styles.


Our Attitude

Through Le Brodé, every woman will enjoy the beauty of life. We want to see women embrace the pleasure of fashion every day. Tasteful casual wear is one of the keys to French chic, and it brings women confidence and artistic sophistication.


Brand Characteristics

“Classic design is not far-and-away.” To exhibit the essence of elegance, Le Brodé brings semi-couture craftsmanship, together with our passion for fashion, into every piece of our finest work. Every season we introduce our latest fashion with gorgeous European fabrics, embroidered details with the combination of finest beads and extravagant thread, plus unique sense of style.

Tainan is also a city of traditional needle-crafts embroidery. Here we have brilliant designers, stitch masters, and exclusive materials. The Eastern and Western fashion elements with Taiwan textile technology conclude the perfection of femininity.

Let us dress you up with Le Brodé, because … A woman can and should be beautiful!