106學年度第1學期 國際設計工作營-數位服裝設計 106/5/14(日)前網路報名
報名網站 https://goo.gl/bK861R
KERRY MURPHY教授畢業於英國米德爾塞克斯大學數位電影學系,目前擔任OddOne公司創意總監,曾參與Google、Nike 、Tommy Hilfiger圖案設計,從事設計相關工作經歷達10年。
【班 級】日服三A/進服三A106(1)workshop(Digital)
班級 |
日期 |
時間 |
日服三A |
12/12(二)~12/17(日) 、12/19(二)~12/21(四) |
周一至周五6::30~9:50(晚上) 六日9:00~12:00 |
進服三A |
12/12(二)~12/17(日) 、12/19(二)~12/21(四) |
周一至周五1:10~5:00(下午) 六日13:00~16:00 |
【學生名額】日服三A 20人/ 進服三A 20人
【課程大綱】Animated Digital Fashion Garment Visualisation
A workshop to design digital garments and animating them to create engaging visuals.
This workshop will be about interpreting existing garment designs as digital files. Looking specifically into how real world techniques apply in digital workflow and how it can add value to the traditional process when designing garments.
Using 3D avatars that have been previously animated we look at how to use this to simulate photo-real and surreal motion on the designed garments. We will create very simple animations first to get a feel of how it behaves in the 3D software and later look at more complex techniques to create highly engaging visuals.
Once we have gone through this process we will step out of the digital fashion software and look at more high-end 3D solution software to create more complexity to the animations. We’ll look lighting, texturing and rendering to create different visually appealing results.
The student will be left with a new skillset of visualing their designs digitally, the knowledge to design with digital software and learning how to create a whole collection of engaging visuals before even having a physical collection ready. This will be a cross-pollination between fashion and animation.