電腦輔助設計(一)(二)/Computer Aided Design

本課程旨了解電腦服飾繪圖之基本技巧,認識並熟捻服飾織物設計的方法與實務。強調整合應用套裝軟體,著重於對操作環境與技巧之靈活運用,以及強化服飾 e 化設計技巧,整合實際成果以數位多媒體簡報及網頁方式展現。 This course introduces the basic techniques of computer-aided fashion painting as well as to familiarize the methodology and appliance of fashion fabric design. It gives emphasis to the coordination of the application software and the utilization of their operation skills, and further concentrate on electronic design and representation techniques with digital multimedia presentation.