本課程旨在探討中西藝術之發展與成就﹐藉中西藝術作品之分析﹐增進學生對藝術品的感受、理解與思考能力﹐並豐富學生之美感經驗與創作心靈。 This course investigates the development and the achievements of Chinese and western art , develops students’ better understanding of art, and enriches their aesthetic experience.

本課程旨在探討中西藝術之發展與成就﹐藉中西藝術作品之分析﹐增進學生對藝術品的感受、理解與思考能力﹐並豐富學生之美感經驗與創作心靈。 This course investigates the development and the achievements of Chinese and western art , develops students’ better understanding of art, and enriches their aesthetic experience.