Course (BA) / 課程規劃

Bachelor/學士班Master's Program/碩士班

本系提供完整服裝設計教學範疇,課程規劃除通識課程外,共同專業必修科目有:創作基礎(一)(二)、服裝設計(1)(2) (3)(4)、服裝整合設計(一)(二)、服裝畫(1)(2)、服裝構成製作(1)(2) (3)(4)、立體裁剪(1)(2)、國服研究製作、織品材料學(一)(二)、織物染色與檢驗、成衣工程學、電腦輔助設計(一)(二)、設計概論(一)(二)、藝術史(一)(二)、西洋服裝史、中國服裝史。
為滿足流行工業各方位人才需求,本學系分為四種選修模組課程類別包括︰A.流行設計應用類、B.織品設計類C. 版型與製作類、D.產業與經營企劃類等相關的專業輔助課程模組。使學生具備進入流行工業的知識與技能之實戰能力,得以培育出各方位服飾專業就業市場所需的人才。

The Department provides comprehensive curriculum to meet the new demands in the fashion industry. In terms of basic design, students can explore all the possibilities of creative activities. In addition to improve the sense of esthetic and the skill of presentation, they also learn from design concept to materialize the school assignment. In the core study of fashion design, apart from design creation, we have courses for fashion business and production. Students will understand the process of fashion industry and fashion marketing. The most important goal for our students is to develop the personal style and well prepare to be into the fashion industry.
Elective courses are divided into four different modules, which offer students a great choice of design, administration and merchandising, production and management, textile and other related modules. Upon finishing one of the particular modules, students will have enough knowledge and training to enter the relevant parts of the fashion industry.
課程查詢 【點選新生/訪客---SC0102-學期開課一覽表(Course Selection)】
課程地圖 【點選新生/訪客--- SE0201-全校課程地圖(School course map)】
(課程展示:A課程類別) 必修/選修課程
(課程展示:B課程類別歸納) 模組選修課程

All Bachelor Obligatory course/學士班必修課 Fashion design category / 流行設計應用類 Garment construction category / 版型與製作類 Textile category / 織品設計類 Marketing and management category / 產業與經營企劃類 Multi-Media Applications category / 新媒體應用類 Others / 其他類