開課班級 Class Offered:碩服一甲、服研一甲 必/選修別 Required/Elective:專必 學分數/時數 Credits / Hours:3/3 本課程以主題Project方式進行設計引導,培養學生獨立思考創意的能力。 This course aims to guide the students with project based design thinking to incubate their own creativity and design ability.
開課班級 Class Offered:碩服一甲、服研一甲 必/選修別 Required/Elective:專必 學分數/時數 Credits / Hours:3/3 本課程以主題Project方式進行設計引導,培養學生獨立思考創意的能力。 This course aims to guide the students with project based design thinking to incubate their own creativity and design ability.