開課班級 Class Offered:碩服二A、服研二A 必/選修別 Required/Elective:選修 學分數/時數 Credits/Hours:2/2 本課程旨在介紹服飾產業之生產與流通管理,以了解服飾物流流中心運作實務。 This course aims to introduce fashion logistics and management in order to understand this process within the industry.
開課班級 Class Offered:碩服二A、服研二A 必/選修別 Required/Elective:選修 學分數/時數 Credits/Hours:2/2 本課程旨在介紹服飾產業之生產與流通管理,以了解服飾物流流中心運作實務。 This course aims to introduce fashion logistics and management in order to understand this process within the industry.