研究方法/Research Methods and Methodology

開課班級 Class Offered:碩服一甲、服研一甲 必/選修別 Required/Elective:專必 學分數/時數 Credits / Hours:3/3 期使研究生面對一專案(問題)時,可藉由適當的工具(含括參考文獻的獲得以及電腦軟體的應用)加速對該專案的瞭解與評估。目的在使研究生對一專題研究程序有一完整的基本概念以及對於專案評估亦有一通盤之瞭解。 Graduate students are faced with a project (issues), it maybe , by appropriate tools (including access to references and application of computer software) to accelerate understanding and assessment of the project. Purpose in making postgraduate studies program has a full set of basic concepts, as well as for evaluation there is also an overall understanding of the project.